A competitive FTC Team
Located in Montville New Jersey
We are the Krypton Warriors team from Parsippany, New Jersey. Our team consists of 14 members. This is our fourth year of participating in the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) competition. We participated in FLL for the three years before that. We all came together as a team because of our love for science, technology, engineering and Math.

Rahul Ramakrishnan
Hi, my name is Rahul and I am in 12th Grade at Morris Hills High School. I participated in FLL for 3 years before joining FTC. This is my fourth year in FTC and I am one of our team's programmers. I love to program in Java and CAD in Solidworks. Outside of FTC, I like to play the piano and read books.

Aarav Mulinti
Hi, my name is Aarav and I am in 12th Grade at Montville Township High School. I participated in FLL for 3 years before joining FTC. This is my fourth year in FTC and I am one of our team's builders and designers. I love to build and design using CAD in Solidworks. Outside of FTC, I like to play basketball and tennis and read books.

Sloka Annapareddy
Hello, my name is Sloka Annapareddy and I am in 7th grade in Central Middle School, Parsippany, New Jersey. This is my first year in FTC and I have done two years of FLL before joining Krypton Warriors. I am a programmer on the team and also help out with outreaches and connects. Outside of robotics I enjoy playing basketball, going roller skating, and playing the violin.

Anisha Senthilkumaran
Hello, my name is Anisha Senthilkumaran and I am in 6th grade at Randolph Middle School. This is my first year in FTC and the Krpton Warriors team, but prior to that, i have done junior FLL. I am mainly a CADer and work in 3D printing on this team. I have learned lots of skills participating that I can use in my everyday life. Outside of the Krypton Warriors extra curricular things I like to do are, playing violin, piano, tennis, building things, and classical dance.

Muthu Veerappan
Hello everyone, my name is Muthu Veerappan and I am in 12th Grade at Morris Hills High School. I participated in a single year of FLL with the Krypton Warriors before going into FTC. This will be my fourth year being part of FTC. I love to design new things in CAD and contribute to all areas of the team. Outside of FTC, I love to play a lot of sports, mainly soccer, read books, and just learn new things.

Aum Shah
Hi, my name is Aum Shah and I am in 10th grade at the Academy for Mathematics, Science and Engineering. This is my first year in FTC with the Krypton Warriors. I am one of the programmers on the team and enjoy math and engineering. Outside of robotics, I love to play the piano, tennis, and love to read.

Thripura Arunraj
Hi, my name is Thripura Arunraj and I am in 8th grade at Bridgewater Raritan Middle School. This is my first year in FTC and with the Krypton Warriors. I am a programmer on the team, and I also work on outreaches and connects. Besides robotics, some of my hobbies are painting, playing viola, and playing tennis.

Daiwik Namala
Hi, my name is Daiwik Namala and I am in 9th grade at Parsippany Hills High School. This is my first year in FTC and with the Krypton Warriors. I am a driver and builder on the team, and I also work on outreaches and connects. Besides robotics, some of my hobbies are playing video games, cook, programming PCs and listening to music on Spotify.

Anisha Mulinti
Hi! My name is Anisha Mulinti and I am in 10th grade at Montville Township High School. This is my 7th year with the FIRST organization as I have previously competed in Jr FLL, FLL, and now FTC. I am also a part of the NJ STEM Girls. I am a coder and I have learned a lot of skills and lessons throughout robotics and use it in my everyday life. Outside of FTC, I enjoy playing tennis and going to the beach.

Shivaani Sangar
Hello, My name is Shivaani Sangar, and I am a 8th-grade student at Brooklawn Middle School. As a passionate learner, I am excited to embark on a new adventure and participate in the world of robotics. This is my first time exploring this field, and I am thrilled to be part of the FTC team as a rookie. I bring my unique set of skills to the team as one of its programmers, but I also like to get involved in connects and outreach activities. Aside from robotics, I also enjoy participating in cross country and dance. In my free time, I love spending time with my friends, sharing my love of cooking, and cultivating my garden. Overall, I'm grateful for all the opportunities that come my way and look forward to continuing to pursue my passions.

Kaushik Panyala
Hi, my name is Kaushik Panyala and I am in 9th grade at Morris Hills School. This is my first year in FTC and with Krypton Warriors and prior to FTC, I also participated in FLL as well. I love coding and I am the programmer on the team. I also help with organizing outreaches and connects. Besides robotics, I love to play guitar, tennis and chess. My hobbies include, playing video games, reading books, and listening to music.

Harsha Tumu
Hi, my name is Harsha Tumu and I am in 10th grade at Morris Hills High School, Academy of Math Science and Engineering. This is my first year in FTC and with the Krypton Warriors. I am a builder on the team, and I am a driver. Programming also interests me. Besides robotics, some of my hobbies are playing video games, taking apart things, and cooking.

Sid Tumu
Hi, my name is Sid Tumu and I am in 8th grade at Brooklawn Middle School. This is my first year in FTC and with the Krypton Warriors. I am a builder on the team and a human player. Besides robotics, some of my hobbies are playing racketball, video editing, and listening to music.